Quels enseignements peut-on tirer de la mobilisation des gilets jaunes ?Trois clefs pour comprendre

Sud Ouest, mardi 30 avril 2019, p. Bergerac ~ Sarlat-C1_4- 433 mots,

par Jefferson Desport

1 Quel est le portrait-robot du gilet jaune ?

À la faveur des premiers résultats de l’étude menée depuis mi-novembre sur ce mouvement et à laquelle participe Magali Della Sudda, plusieurs traits communs émergent. À commencer par leurs revendications dont les trois principales sont : ” Le pouvoir d’achat, une réforme institutionnelle pour améliorer la représentation et la justice sociale. Mais, observe Magali Della Sudda, il n’y a rien sur l’immigration, ni sur la laïcité. “

Sur le profil des manifestants, là aussi des éléments apparaissent. ” Parmi les personnes qui nous ont répondu, nous avons une forte proportion de femmes, souligne la chercheuse. Ce n’est pas du 50-50, mais on s’en rapproche. L’âge moyen est de 47 ans. Beaucoup sont concernés directement ou indirectement par la question du handicap et de l’invalidité. ” Enfin, l’étude en cours fait apparaître un revenu moyen de ” 1 800 euros par foyer “. ” Ce sont des gens très modestes “, appuie Magali Della Sudda.

2 Peut-on parler d’une crise de la représentation ?

Parmi les lignes de force qui soutiennent ce mouvement émerge aussi la réelle défiance des représentations habituelles. ” Ce mouvement est très protéiforme, souligne Vincent Tiberj, mais il y a un décrochage face à la représentation classique. C’est fini le temps du citoyen bien éduqué qui s’en remettait aux élites pour choisir pour lui. Cette culture de la déférence est terminée. “

Une analyse confirmée par les entretiens menés sur les ronds-points, comme le souligne Magali Della Sudda. ” Pour trois-quarts des gilets jaunes, les partis n’ont pas leur place dans le mouvement. Tout comme les syndicats. On note aussi le refus de se positionner sur l’axe gauche-droite. ” Mais ceux qui le font penchent ” plutôt à gauche “. Si elle ne nie pas la présence ” d’identitaires “, elle affirme que ” ce n’est pas le gros des troupes “.

3 Que peut devenir le mouvement ?

Se refusant à jouer les astrologues, Magali Della Sudda estime néanmoins que ” des changements très profonds ” sont à l’oeuvre. Pour Vincent Tiberj, l’avenir s’annonce, en revanche, ” compliqué “, en raison notamment de ” la culture anti-chef ” des gilets jaunes.

Une certitude : si le Grand Débat a rassemblé près de 2 millions de contributions, ce résultat mérite d’être nuancé à leurs yeux. ” On n’a pas les mêmes chances de participer selon que l’on est un homme ou une femme, selon qu’on s’intéresse à la politique ou pas, qu’on est diplômé ou pas, souligne Vincent Tiberj. Rien que le mécanisme d’écrire sur Internet a exclu un certain nombre de citoyens. Tout cela renvoie à des inégalités sociales. “

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Berkeley hosts conference on the past and future of the right wing

US Official News Saturday, April 27, 2019 – 838 mots

Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley has issued the following news release:

Smadar Lavie spent the 1970s in Israel before earning her degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1980. In the last 40 years, Lavie has returned frequently to Israel.

An advocate for Jewish women of color, the UC Berkeley scholar in residence is frequently seen and heard stating the case for Jewish women of color on Israeli television, which hasn’t made her terribly popular.

“Tel Aviv is really divided,” Lavie says. “If I was in north Tel Aviv, which is considered the white city, people would curse me. If I would walk with my dog, they would open their windows and spit on me. And if I took my dog and walked in south Tel Aviv, which is where all the ghettos and barrios are, people would throw all these sloppy kisses on me and say `You really taught them a lesson.'”

Smadar Lavie

UC Berkeley’s Smadar Lavie at Friday’s panel on Women and Gender on the Right. The talk was part of the first Conference on Right-Wing Studies. (UC Berkeley photo by John Hickey)

Lavie was part of a panel – Women and Gender on the Right – during the Inaugural Conference on Right-Wing Studies, which kicked off Thursday evening in Berkeley and will revolve around a series of nine panel discussions today and nine more Saturday.

Scholars from around the world will explore the history and the future of the right wing, politically and culturally.

Lawrence Rosenthal, chairman of the Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies, says that this conference is the first of its kind at an American university and adds this kind of work is more important than many realize.

“My overall hope is that people will recognize right wing studies as a coherent academic discipline,” Rosenthal says. “You just have to look around and see how many people are studying these issues from disparate departments.

“Obviously, you also find them in universities all over the USA and all over the world. So, the idea of their being a coherent discipline that binds this all is something that I would like to see people take away from this.”

Magali Della Sudda, who is examining the right-wing movement in France from her post at CNRS-Sciences Po Bordeaux, says while white nationalism of the sort that has surfaced in the United States is relatively rare in France, her exploration of the La Manif Pour Tous – a group fighting against gay marriage in France – brought her to a conference with women drawn to extreme conservative values.

Magali Della Sudda

Magali Della Sudda also spoke at Friday’s panel about women and gender on the right. (UC Berkeley photo by John Hickey)

“The priest was very worried because initially the conference was to be held in an adjoining room,” Sudda says. “2,500 showed up when they were prepared for just 600. These are mostly middle-aged women with a parochial sensibility. Almost all of them were Catholic and nationalists.

“They were activists in the community. They had strong connections with the pro-life movement. They believe in white supremacy, even though that is quite rare in France.”

The four speakers at the Women and Gender on the Right panel – Lavie, Sudda, Victoria Phillips of Columbia University and Michelle Summer of Berkeley – are not likely to be described as being on the right themselves.

But they agree that those on the left hoping to study and to understand those on the right won’t find the going easy.

Phillips, who is in the midst of finishing a book on liberal-turned-right-winger Eleanor Dulles, the highly influential sister of two of the heavyweights of post-World War II American politics, John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, says one of the lessons that stuck with her from her time as a student at Columbia, was to “let the silences go.”

“You walk in with your label hat off and just listen,” Phillips says. In order to learn, I have to make myself a blank slate. When someone says the most extraordinary thing, my greatest desire is to make my face absolutely blank, and not show any judgment. Because we can’t learn about how people think if they think we are sitting in judgment.”

Summers is doing work on Ballet Magnificat, which she describes as a merger between ballet and evangelical Christianity. Summers, who says she “identifies as a recovering ballerina and a recovering evangelical,” has been able to dig deeply in the Jackson, Miss.-based group because she can speak their non-spoken language.

“Beyond not saying anything, with dance and having a knowledge of the technique goes a long way for them to be able to trust you in a non-verbal way,” Summers says. “The discussion of how to study subjects you are really uncomfortable with is a really important question.”

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